Congratulations for obtaining the rank of Life.
You will now begin the final steps toward the rank of Eagle.
But where should you begin?
There are several components that need to be completed.
• Merit Badges - Scouts must have 21 Merit Badges of which 14 are Eagle Required (white ringed merit badges)
• Eagle Project - Scouts must complete an Eagle Project.
Merit badges are not required to be completed prior to work beginning on an Eagle Project.
Once all requirements of the Eagle Project have been completed and merit badges have been finished, proceed to filling out the Eagle Scout Rank Application.
Eagle Scout Rank Application may be completed through Scoutbook. Beginning the application through Scoutbook reduces the errors made through filling out the application manually. Most merit badges and dates will be automatically filled in through this process. You should double check all dates populated on the application with the dates listed on your blue cards (if available) and Scout Handbook to reduce errors.
Boards of Review are scheduled with
Bill Mahler North Zone Lead
Eagle Projects are reviewed by:
Nick Dzierzanowski
Nick Dzierzanowski - Vice Chair Program
Advancements and Training
Bill Mahler - Ottawa Advancement Chair
630 465 2545